One Note at a Time

One Note at a Time is a non-profit music outreach group hosted by the Wisconsin Rapids Moravian Church that seeks to provide musical inspiration through free lessons and instrument lending for those who are unable to afford otherwise.

In addition to creating their logo, this group also requested a colorful and inviting design featuring some illustration details to advertise their Open House Event. The bright color palette and digital drawings of the guitar with whimsical musical notes and flourishes create an approachable and fun look that appeals to prospective students of all ages, school-age to adult. The trifold brochure, poster and yard signs all helped to promote their Open House Event.

Tri-Fold Brochure

Tri-Fold Brochure

8.5x11” Poster

8.5x11” Poster

24x18” Yard Sign

24x18” Yard Sign


Moravian Western District Open House Poster


Bloom Where You Are Planted